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Pictures from Cambridge, England - part 1

Pictures from Cambridge, England - part 1

Tour and see the world with Gladys again! :)

I never had time to go down to Cambridge for a look, although I had visited and toured Oxford while in England. I also went punting down rivers in Oxford and had even visited the famous Harry Potter place... where you can see all the fun stuff on my travel site here - just refer to the sidebar for Harry Potter for Harry Potter fans, and Oxford for Oxford and England/academic/ studious/ whatnot fans.

Well, my friend Gladys went for a trip down to Cambridge, and there are many pictures of this great place that she shared with me. And since I have a travel blog, here's a section and series on Cambridge. Do enjoy the pictures on Cambridge and tour and see Cambridge through an intrepid traveller's eyes! :)

At first glance, a firsttime visitor might say that Cambridge is similar to Oxford, or other university places in England! :)

This was quite interesting, so here's the picture - of Beneficial Finance - what a name!

This is one of the reasons to love England - nice fields and lots of relaxation. Hard to find these kinds of things in Singapore! Seriously.

OK, I don't know why I put this one here, hahahaha! :)

Welcome to Cambridge! More pictures to come in future posts here on my travel site. I am sorry that I haven't been posting recently, but due to work - school work and many other activities that I've been up to, I haven't had as much as time as I wanted to explore the world and also post many pictures that I have here on my harddisk on my computer. Oh well. Stay tuned here!

Tour and see the world
with me and Gladys

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